Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Walpurgis Day

Greetings Earthlings!

Well, this weekend was Valborg in Sweden - also known as Walpurgis Day. Apparently it's a big tradition to celebrate the last day of April (especially if you're a student), by getting up really early, drinking exorbitant amounts of alcohol, and partying until the wee hours of the morning. All to celebrate the arrival of Spring!
And so we did, in true Swedish style. We met at 945 on a Sunday morning (eugh!) equipped with beer, bicycles and our overalls, and headed down to the river to watch the dragon boat races. God these people are idiots - a whole bunch of swedes, all pioneering dragon boats in various states of undress, with those who were clothed looking totally ridiculous in a wonderful assortment of togas, men in drag, superheroes, and pirates. Fantastical. Really wanted to see someone fall in the river, but unfortunately didn't happen. Not to matter! We kept ourselves entertained, dancing, drinking, playing soccer, and evading the law in our own little way...

After the dragon boats we went to Tradgardsforeningen (try saying that 3 times fast) for a picnic in the park. After some very interesting bench antics the boys went to play soccer again, while the girls conspired as to how we could steal the ball away from them. With a spectacular bit of trickery by Angela and Silja, they managed to steal it (and get quite far), before Silja decided to throw the ball not to Angela, but into a tree, earning her a lovely crash tackle by one of the boys. Angela and I conspired against Lex, to test his level of Unagi while playing soccer - only to discover that it's very hard to sneak up on someone with at least 20 people watching. As a result, we ended up on the ground, covered in dirt and leaves. Spectacular.

After the park, we went back to Jonathan's place for some dinner and a nice drinking game or 2 before the kravall. After 3 very rowdy rounds of Kings (and a substantial amount of vodka), we headed off to the kravall - Akuten (Emergency). It was pretty good, music was a bit disappointing though - too much old school techno for my liking... I did however, get some lovely photographs; take particular note of Jonathan's lovely hair, which we all took turns wearing. I must say, the mullet look simply isn't for me.

Stay in school kids,

Chloe xx

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