Monday, October 16, 2006

I wonder...

...when it became socially acceptable, or even 'normal' to request lifts from perfect strangers.
When exactly did it become appropriate to stagger drunkenly up to an unfortunate individual, trapped in their vehicle, and tap on their window "hey love, give ya 20 bucks to take us to [insert random bogan location here]". Yeah, right.
Cos, you know, I can't think of anything I'd enjoy more than soiling the interior of my vehicle with everything your typical bogan australian drunkard has to offer (not to mention the potential dangers of travelling as a lone female). I had, in my hospitality blindsighted haze, forgotten the downsides to being available for outings on saturday nights - all of a sudden, you have the usual boring 'going out' issues again. Who drove, who doesn't feel like drinking, and who point blank refuses to go to certain places. Then there's the whole 'where do we go' issue, not to mention the 'inbetween clubs' phase where you freeze your arse off in (what feels like) -10 degree weather, tossing up whether it's better to line up in the cold for half an hour to get into a reasonably good club, or get into a shitty (albeit warm) club straight away.

Still, it beats the crap outta having to work every saturday. I'll take an ass-freezing moment outside a crap club over working anyday.

Love Chol.


  1. Anonymous11:02 pm

    Helloooooooou Darling,
    I suppose I am the first web surfer of your site of the new year. Cooool! (Did I win something?!?)
    It's a torture I can't ever find u on the msn (Maybe 'cause of the 8-9 hours of difference between our worlds???)
    I wish u a great 2007, at least as the one that has just passed and we spent together in the Viking Land.
    Hope to hear your voice again. :)
