I'm not in Sweden anymore. Der.
Back in good ol' Australia, hanging out with the boyfriend, the kitties, and the girls. Am going back to the blog thing because I like it, despite the stigma associated with bloggers these days. Meh.
Hannah came back from Canada! Tis wonderful news indeed, everything is back to normal now in terms of girly get togethers, except our group is now a little more worldly, and a little more confident - a welcome change.

Well, that's all about to change, because I have a new job! I start working for a bank in 2 weeks, boo-yeah!
Sigh. It's going to be brilliant. I get a chair, I don't have to look at customers, I get to wear jeans to work, I get to work 9-5, no weekends... Simple pleasures.
Oh, and the cats are driving me nuts at the moment. I busted my balls last week cleaning the damn loungeroom rug, and the damn bloody cats have messed it up shedding their winter coats! The furniture's shot to shit too! Dagnabbit.
I reckon Jasmin's the culprit... all that black and white fur...

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