...So here are a list of things that I, Chloe Jade Barnes, will be celebrating in liu of Easter this year.
1. HG is closed - thus forcing me out of my comfortable nook here in Ryd, and allowing me to fully explore the wonderful plethora of bars residing in Linkoping (actually, I'm not sure if plethora is the correct word...perhaps a little excessive...there are probably 5 good bars in linkoping. lets see if i can find them all).
2. I'm boycotting the holiday that is solely responsible for my addiction to cadbury cream eggs. Its a vendetta people! Damn the man!
3. It's FINALLY warm! Spring has sprung, there are birds building a nest outside my window, and today was the first day that i was able to go outside without my mega chunky jacket on. I'll raise a toast to that alone ;)
4. I don't have to give a damn about uni for a whole week. No assignments, no group work (though Yoann's nutella pancakes are always a welcome group motivator), no homework, and best of all NO SEMINARS!
5. The Dutch invasion is a-coming. 12 Dutch people (I believe 11 guys, 1 girl), all coming to shake things up a bit here in Ryd. Should make for some interesting corridoor parties to say the least. 2 days, no sleep. lovely.
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