...when it became socially acceptable, or even 'normal' to request lifts from perfect strangers.
When exactly did it become appropriate to stagger drunkenly up to an unfortunate individual, trapped in their vehicle, and tap on their window "hey love, give ya 20 bucks to take us to [insert random bogan location here]". Yeah, right.
Cos, you know, I can't think of anything I'd enjoy more than soiling the interior of my vehicle with everything your typical bogan australian drunkard has to offer (not to mention the potential dangers of travelling as a lone female). I had, in my hospitality blindsighted haze, forgotten the downsides to being available for outings on saturday nights - all of a sudden, you have the usual boring 'going out' issues again. Who drove, who doesn't feel like drinking, and who point blank refuses to go to certain places. Then there's the whole 'where do we go' issue, not to mention the 'inbetween clubs' phase where you freeze your arse off in (what feels like) -10 degree weather, tossing up whether it's better to line up in the cold for half an hour to get into a reasonably good club, or get into a shitty (albeit warm) club straight away.
Still, it beats the crap outta having to work every saturday. I'll take an ass-freezing moment outside a crap club over working anyday.
Love Chol.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
I'm not in Sweden anymore. Der.
Back in good ol' Australia, hanging out with the boyfriend, the kitties, and the girls. Am going back to the blog thing because I like it, despite the stigma associated with bloggers these days. Meh.
Hannah came back from Canada! Tis wonderful news indeed, everything is back to normal now in terms of girly get togethers, except our group is now a little more worldly, and a little more confident - a welcome change.
Though I'll admit that it's still hell trying to get everyone together for a night out every once in a while. Why is it that I have to work 5 nights a week just to be able to pay stupid bills and rent? Is it really so important for me to show up when I'm rostered, just to serve drinks all night for alcoholics and compulsive gamblers who complain about forking out a measly dollar or two for soft drink?
Well, that's all about to change, because I have a new job! I start working for a bank in 2 weeks, boo-yeah!
Sigh. It's going to be brilliant. I get a chair, I don't have to look at customers, I get to wear jeans to work, I get to work 9-5, no weekends... Simple pleasures.
Oh, and the cats are driving me nuts at the moment. I busted my balls last week cleaning the damn loungeroom rug, and the damn bloody cats have messed it up shedding their winter coats! The furniture's shot to shit too! Dagnabbit.
I reckon Jasmin's the culprit... all that black and white fur...
I'm not in Sweden anymore. Der.
Back in good ol' Australia, hanging out with the boyfriend, the kitties, and the girls. Am going back to the blog thing because I like it, despite the stigma associated with bloggers these days. Meh.
Hannah came back from Canada! Tis wonderful news indeed, everything is back to normal now in terms of girly get togethers, except our group is now a little more worldly, and a little more confident - a welcome change.

Well, that's all about to change, because I have a new job! I start working for a bank in 2 weeks, boo-yeah!
Sigh. It's going to be brilliant. I get a chair, I don't have to look at customers, I get to wear jeans to work, I get to work 9-5, no weekends... Simple pleasures.
Oh, and the cats are driving me nuts at the moment. I busted my balls last week cleaning the damn loungeroom rug, and the damn bloody cats have messed it up shedding their winter coats! The furniture's shot to shit too! Dagnabbit.
I reckon Jasmin's the culprit... all that black and white fur...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Roadtrippin'...and farewell to a friend :(
First things first.
Silja, you rock babe. I had the most fun ever with you, and I hope that you'll take care of yourself and that we meet up again someday. I'll never forget how much fun we had here in Linkoping, and you have to come and visit me in Australia. Kram och puss!
So we said farewell to a vital member of the B-team on sunday...Silja (duh). We had an awesome time making her a farewell video, which you can view at http://prof3ta.homeunix.org/index.php?topic=videos. Then, on the last night in HG, we had a farewell party for her, which was the most fun night ever! Then of course, the last kravall (Sommer X), a non-overalls party to which the B-Team wore overalls to differentiate ourselves from the rest of the plebs. Worked rather well too. Then after a lovely afterparty in the playground, we all went to bed and woke up the next morning for our roadtrip!
First stop was Goteborg, a really nice town on the west coast of Sweden. This is the second largest town in Sweden, and although it is pretty, our going out experience there was not the greatest. Our hostel was really nice ('Dalagarde'), and we had a great time picnicking in the sun, and going on a very strange boat tour through the canal system (i've never been on a boat tour where everybody had to sit on the floor in order to get under a bridge).
After Goteborg we headed north to some place i can't remember the name of *lol*. We found a camping ground beside one of Sweden's 96,000 lakes (i'm not exaggerating), created a bonfire, doused ourselves with insect repellant (the mosquito swarms were UNBELIEVABLE...and even more unbelievable that i didn't get bitten once!), and sat around the fire drinking beer and chatting...lovely. Poor Jonathan got bitten around 70 times by some mystery insect during the night, and was the only one to have problems with the insects! Poor guy.
Monday we packed up and headed north again, in search of another camping ground. Had an almost disaster when it didn't look like we were going to have a place to sleep, but then a campsite came through for us, and even had mini golf! Of course, we had to attempt a drunken round in the middle of the night (I didn't even come last... okay, second to last, but at least I didn't lose!! Thanks Lex ;) ). After watching a couple of idiotic friends (namely Koen and Gugu) go midnight swimming in yet another lake, we all went to bed, then woke up and came back to Linkoping.
I could explain more, but camping is camping. We saw some things, ate some things, drank some things, and drove. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.
Knock em' dead.
Silja, you rock babe. I had the most fun ever with you, and I hope that you'll take care of yourself and that we meet up again someday. I'll never forget how much fun we had here in Linkoping, and you have to come and visit me in Australia. Kram och puss!
So we said farewell to a vital member of the B-team on sunday...Silja (duh). We had an awesome time making her a farewell video, which you can view at http://prof3ta.homeunix.org/index.php?topic=videos. Then, on the last night in HG, we had a farewell party for her, which was the most fun night ever! Then of course, the last kravall (Sommer X), a non-overalls party to which the B-Team wore overalls to differentiate ourselves from the rest of the plebs. Worked rather well too. Then after a lovely afterparty in the playground, we all went to bed and woke up the next morning for our roadtrip!
First stop was Goteborg, a really nice town on the west coast of Sweden. This is the second largest town in Sweden, and although it is pretty, our going out experience there was not the greatest. Our hostel was really nice ('Dalagarde'), and we had a great time picnicking in the sun, and going on a very strange boat tour through the canal system (i've never been on a boat tour where everybody had to sit on the floor in order to get under a bridge).
After Goteborg we headed north to some place i can't remember the name of *lol*. We found a camping ground beside one of Sweden's 96,000 lakes (i'm not exaggerating), created a bonfire, doused ourselves with insect repellant (the mosquito swarms were UNBELIEVABLE...and even more unbelievable that i didn't get bitten once!), and sat around the fire drinking beer and chatting...lovely. Poor Jonathan got bitten around 70 times by some mystery insect during the night, and was the only one to have problems with the insects! Poor guy.
Monday we packed up and headed north again, in search of another camping ground. Had an almost disaster when it didn't look like we were going to have a place to sleep, but then a campsite came through for us, and even had mini golf! Of course, we had to attempt a drunken round in the middle of the night (I didn't even come last... okay, second to last, but at least I didn't lose!! Thanks Lex ;) ). After watching a couple of idiotic friends (namely Koen and Gugu) go midnight swimming in yet another lake, we all went to bed, then woke up and came back to Linkoping.
I could explain more, but camping is camping. We saw some things, ate some things, drank some things, and drove. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.
Knock em' dead.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Finally, some photos!
Just a quickie to say that I've finally managed to post my photos from the farewell dinner we had on tuesday 16/05. Sooo great, sooo many idiotic faces.
Please don't judge me too harshly.
Please don't judge me too harshly.
Friday, May 19, 2006
Let's all welcome Chloe's liver back to Linköping, HG styles!
Greetings and Salutations!
I'm in a particularly good mood at the moment, having just finished my last class for the week. Lets ignore the fact that this was the only class I went to this week, and press on with the more important issues... such as my reintroduction to the world of binge drinking. And what a reintroduction it was!
When I returned to Linkoping it was time to prepare for our Erasmus farewell dinner - in other words, the last Sittning we'll have in Sweden *sob*. Had a jolly good time racing around my room, getting all dressed up, until i realised that i was running late for pre drinks (as per the norm), and had to bolt to Jochems.
We finally arrived at the dinner for 730, I got very confused as to the seating arrangements (at Sittnings, you don't get to pick where you sit), but finally found my seat thanks to my clever detective work (that and the fact that I got called over, lol). As per usual, we got beer and half a bottle of wine each (unless of course your name is Roberto or Jochem, in which case you get 3 bottles each, all stolen from other people through a combination of 'Look over there!' hand movements, and some very fast switching, empty bottle for full). Needless to say we had one messy Sicilian, and an even messier Dutch boy who doesn't remember a damn thing from that night. And what do you do when you don't remember things from the previous night? Why, you make up rumours about other people, of course! (Silja will never forget that one)
After much singing (including a rendition of our national anthems by the Australians - "We're happy little Vegemites", and "Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oy Oy Oy!"), photo taking (Ben was taking photos of people leaving the dinner hall...I'm very proud to say I made it into every single one of them), and eating (potatoes were YUM), we adjourned to the dancefloor in HG to boogie down for the rest of the night.
Now, since being here, I've noticed that my 'party photo' faces have gone from respectable, to downright ridiculous. I will have to illustrate my point later, because Hello is (yet again) being a cockfag.
Chloe xx
I'm in a particularly good mood at the moment, having just finished my last class for the week. Lets ignore the fact that this was the only class I went to this week, and press on with the more important issues... such as my reintroduction to the world of binge drinking. And what a reintroduction it was!
When I returned to Linkoping it was time to prepare for our Erasmus farewell dinner - in other words, the last Sittning we'll have in Sweden *sob*. Had a jolly good time racing around my room, getting all dressed up, until i realised that i was running late for pre drinks (as per the norm), and had to bolt to Jochems.
We finally arrived at the dinner for 730, I got very confused as to the seating arrangements (at Sittnings, you don't get to pick where you sit), but finally found my seat thanks to my clever detective work (that and the fact that I got called over, lol). As per usual, we got beer and half a bottle of wine each (unless of course your name is Roberto or Jochem, in which case you get 3 bottles each, all stolen from other people through a combination of 'Look over there!' hand movements, and some very fast switching, empty bottle for full). Needless to say we had one messy Sicilian, and an even messier Dutch boy who doesn't remember a damn thing from that night. And what do you do when you don't remember things from the previous night? Why, you make up rumours about other people, of course! (Silja will never forget that one)
After much singing (including a rendition of our national anthems by the Australians - "We're happy little Vegemites", and "Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oy Oy Oy!"), photo taking (Ben was taking photos of people leaving the dinner hall...I'm very proud to say I made it into every single one of them), and eating (potatoes were YUM), we adjourned to the dancefloor in HG to boogie down for the rest of the night.
Now, since being here, I've noticed that my 'party photo' faces have gone from respectable, to downright ridiculous. I will have to illustrate my point later, because Hello is (yet again) being a cockfag.
Chloe xx
Damn Hello to the depths of hell...
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Chanson d'amour
I got back home to Linkoping last night, after a whole week in PARIS! Yeeeeehhaaaaa! Had sooo much fun, did soo much, crossed like a million things off my 'i wanna do this in Paris, should i ever get there' list. So here is a rundown of how my week in gay paree went down:
Tuesday 9/05 - got on plane to Charles de Gaulle, airport is not very impressive, but i did enjoy the massive human conveyer belt. Met dad and helen at the opera house, then went to the hotel, and found a lovely little french bistro for dinner. Had escargots (snails for those of you uneducated folk, and are actually really nice) - tick! Ordered my meal in french, and was understood - tick!
Wednesday 10/05 - Huuuge day. Eiffel tower in the morning. We took the easy option, and took the lift right to the top - tick! I'm sure it would have been a spectacular view had it not been a foggy morning, but it was very impressive nonetheless. Bought a couple of souvenirs (of course), took some photos, blah blah blah. Afternoon - Champs Elysees and Arc de Triomphe - tick! Very impressed with both, loved the class of the Champs Elysees (went into Louis Vuitton, totally drooled even though i dont like Vuitton at all! must have been the location...), loved the fact that I could barely contain my excitement at being at the Arc de Triomphe, while the french people around either totally ignored it, or looked at it as though it were an eyesore. lol
In the evening we went to Montmartre for a quick drink and dinner before going to the Moulin Rouge! Had a glass of french champagne (of course) while watching the 2 hour show - tick! Realised that Moulin Rouge is gods gift to men and women. For the men - gorgeous girls prancing around on stage in sparkly g-strings, most of whom are topless as well - need I say more? For the ladies - brilliant dancing, amazing costumes, verrry cute boys - all of whom can dance extremely well, AND have very nice bodies ;) lol
Of course, no photography allowed, but I did get a program, so plenty of nice pics in there.
Thursday 11/05 - Went to the Louvre in the morning, and stood in front of La Joconde...aka Mona Lisa - tick! Stood in front of it for aaaaages, trying to figure out what the big deal is. It certainly is an amazing painting, but i'm still not entirely sure what all the fuss is about. Besides, its hard to get a real feel for a painting when its sitting behind glass, and there are like 50 tourists around you all cramming to try and get a good view. Still, its another thing ticked off my list. I really liked the Apollo Gallery (this amazing room that is wall to wall/ceiling paintings and gold) - which is also impossible to photograph well. aaannnyway!
Went to Notre Dame in the afternoon - tick! Had a bit of a look around for Quasimodo (lol), took some photos of course. It was really huge, but after the Louvre it kind of feels like you have culture coming out of every orifice, so it gets a bit difficult to fully appreciate anything worth seeing.
Friday 12/05 - Musee D'Orsay in the morning. I actually enjoyed this collection of paintings a little more than those at the Louvre, but I really love Monet. There were quite a few of his paintings at this gallery, so i spent quite a bit of time in front of those. They also had some really nice Renoirs (not the one I was hoping to see unfortunately, but still great nonetheless).
Back to Montmartre in the afternoon - this time to the Basilica de Sacre Coeur - tick! It was really lovely, very impressed with that one. The inside is breathtaking, but as with most of the really beautiful cathedrals - no photographs. They also had a choir of nuns singing, which was really amazing to hear. This stupid woman was filming inside, it was good to see her frogmarched out the door - only to have her husband try and sneak a photograph in! Ignorami.
Saturday 13/05 - Shopping day! Mostly uninteresting, but bought a new pair of jeans... cos my others had a most unattractive hole in the inner leg. Damn bicycles.
Sunday 14/05 - Chateau de Versailles. AMAZING palace, the biggest place I've ever seen in my life! Had a ridiculous amount of gold inside, was totally extravagant. Something I think my grandparents would love to see in particular. It was really really beautiful. Stood in the most amazing room i've ever been in - the hall of mirrors. You need to be there to truly appreciate it, cos the photos just dont do it justice.
Monday 15/05 - Another shopping day. We went to one of the pricier areas of town, near the Rue de Rivoli. They had some really beautiful things, but a lot of them were also really out of my price range. dang. walked for AGES (we had like 6 hours to kill), then went back to the hotel to wait for our shuttle to the airport. Our plane got delayed at Charles de Gaulle, but when we finally got to Stockholm we stayed at the Hilton. By far the most luxurious hotel I've ever stayed in! Impeccable.
Tuesday 16/05 - Train back to Linkoping! More on the farewell dinner for ESN later :D
Stay in school kids,
Chloe xo
I got back home to Linkoping last night, after a whole week in PARIS! Yeeeeehhaaaaa! Had sooo much fun, did soo much, crossed like a million things off my 'i wanna do this in Paris, should i ever get there' list. So here is a rundown of how my week in gay paree went down:
Tuesday 9/05 - got on plane to Charles de Gaulle, airport is not very impressive, but i did enjoy the massive human conveyer belt. Met dad and helen at the opera house, then went to the hotel, and found a lovely little french bistro for dinner. Had escargots (snails for those of you uneducated folk, and are actually really nice) - tick! Ordered my meal in french, and was understood - tick!
Wednesday 10/05 - Huuuge day. Eiffel tower in the morning. We took the easy option, and took the lift right to the top - tick! I'm sure it would have been a spectacular view had it not been a foggy morning, but it was very impressive nonetheless. Bought a couple of souvenirs (of course), took some photos, blah blah blah. Afternoon - Champs Elysees and Arc de Triomphe - tick! Very impressed with both, loved the class of the Champs Elysees (went into Louis Vuitton, totally drooled even though i dont like Vuitton at all! must have been the location...), loved the fact that I could barely contain my excitement at being at the Arc de Triomphe, while the french people around either totally ignored it, or looked at it as though it were an eyesore. lol
In the evening we went to Montmartre for a quick drink and dinner before going to the Moulin Rouge! Had a glass of french champagne (of course) while watching the 2 hour show - tick! Realised that Moulin Rouge is gods gift to men and women. For the men - gorgeous girls prancing around on stage in sparkly g-strings, most of whom are topless as well - need I say more? For the ladies - brilliant dancing, amazing costumes, verrry cute boys - all of whom can dance extremely well, AND have very nice bodies ;) lol
Of course, no photography allowed, but I did get a program, so plenty of nice pics in there.
Thursday 11/05 - Went to the Louvre in the morning, and stood in front of La Joconde...aka Mona Lisa - tick! Stood in front of it for aaaaages, trying to figure out what the big deal is. It certainly is an amazing painting, but i'm still not entirely sure what all the fuss is about. Besides, its hard to get a real feel for a painting when its sitting behind glass, and there are like 50 tourists around you all cramming to try and get a good view. Still, its another thing ticked off my list. I really liked the Apollo Gallery (this amazing room that is wall to wall/ceiling paintings and gold) - which is also impossible to photograph well. aaannnyway!
Went to Notre Dame in the afternoon - tick! Had a bit of a look around for Quasimodo (lol), took some photos of course. It was really huge, but after the Louvre it kind of feels like you have culture coming out of every orifice, so it gets a bit difficult to fully appreciate anything worth seeing.
Friday 12/05 - Musee D'Orsay in the morning. I actually enjoyed this collection of paintings a little more than those at the Louvre, but I really love Monet. There were quite a few of his paintings at this gallery, so i spent quite a bit of time in front of those. They also had some really nice Renoirs (not the one I was hoping to see unfortunately, but still great nonetheless).
Back to Montmartre in the afternoon - this time to the Basilica de Sacre Coeur - tick! It was really lovely, very impressed with that one. The inside is breathtaking, but as with most of the really beautiful cathedrals - no photographs. They also had a choir of nuns singing, which was really amazing to hear. This stupid woman was filming inside, it was good to see her frogmarched out the door - only to have her husband try and sneak a photograph in! Ignorami.
Saturday 13/05 - Shopping day! Mostly uninteresting, but bought a new pair of jeans... cos my others had a most unattractive hole in the inner leg. Damn bicycles.
Sunday 14/05 - Chateau de Versailles. AMAZING palace, the biggest place I've ever seen in my life! Had a ridiculous amount of gold inside, was totally extravagant. Something I think my grandparents would love to see in particular. It was really really beautiful. Stood in the most amazing room i've ever been in - the hall of mirrors. You need to be there to truly appreciate it, cos the photos just dont do it justice.
Monday 15/05 - Another shopping day. We went to one of the pricier areas of town, near the Rue de Rivoli. They had some really beautiful things, but a lot of them were also really out of my price range. dang. walked for AGES (we had like 6 hours to kill), then went back to the hotel to wait for our shuttle to the airport. Our plane got delayed at Charles de Gaulle, but when we finally got to Stockholm we stayed at the Hilton. By far the most luxurious hotel I've ever stayed in! Impeccable.
Tuesday 16/05 - Train back to Linkoping! More on the farewell dinner for ESN later :D
Stay in school kids,
Chloe xo
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
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