Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Sunset at around 11pm Posted by Picasa


  1. Congratulations Han, even from so far away (and in writing) you managed to make water come out of my nose as I read your "yankee doodle hat" comment. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time, good thing I'm in my room alone at the moment...

    Just for the record, Chloe i Sverige means Chloe in Sweden. I'm not even going to bother getting into the dynamics of the Swedish has taken me over 5 months just to come to grips with the strange noises they make, let alone actually delving into the stranger aspects of Scandinavian languages (they ALL sound made up). Love you xx

  2. Anonymous1:28 pm

    Magnificent One, I'm back and I have absolutely no idea how to contact you... Send me an email or something - how ridiculous is this?!

  3. Anonymous7:48 pm

    Hej Hej dude,
    what the hell happened to u?
    A kangaroo kidnapped u, bringing u all around the Aussie deserts?
    I cannot contact u in any way (and it seems I'm not the only one... :D)
    Oh... Two friends of mine (sicilian) have just married and they're in Adelaide now as newlyweds. Can u believe it? :DDDDD
    Hope your msn will come back to life someday.
    Stay in school kids!

  4. hej!

    I'm here, but you gotta remember that whenever you're on msn, i'm in bed asleep ;)

    send me an email sometime

    Stay in school kids!
