Hey hey kids!
Just a quick update - letting you all know that I am sick (yet again - gotta love this climate) :D
Been really busy with uni over here, my group has a 9000 word assignment due in a few days time (which, naturally, we're nowhere near finishing), and i'm supposed to be going away on monday for my new course Nordic Culture (aka Fingerpainting 101). So that should be fun - heading to Boxholm, around 40min south west of Linkoping. Staying overnight in a cabin, and having a 'real' Swedish sauna. You know, the kind where you get totally hot and steamy in a tiny room with heaps of other people, and then you go and toy with the idea of hypothermia by jumping into the semi frozen lake. I'll let you know how it goes...
Since we got back from Kiruna, we've pretty much been mostly catching up on our partying. HG on tuesdays for international night is a given, as is some form of downtown action on either friday or saturday night (or both, depending on the climate and energy of the group :) ). I can honestly say I don't believe I've ever been in a situation where it's perfectly normal (if not expected) to go out every tuesday, thursday, friday and saturday night. Even on the other nights of the week there's always SOMETHING happening! Went to a bar called Platen's on Friday night... it was okay, there were certainly some interesting clientele. Think retro meets alternative in a nice little mishmash of mohawks and facial piercings dancing to golden oldies... Had our photo taken by a nice little photographer man, posted on the internet:
http://www.agatan.se/vimmel/Platens/Platens_060317/index.htmlSupposed to be going to Flamman tonight, haven't been in a while so I'm actually looking forward to it despite the tickly throat. Should be interesting watching everybody plough through the newly fallen snow, with the rigid ice that's underneath. It's always better leaving the bar - not only are there more stacks because people are drunk, but it hurts less too :)
Next weekend we're all getting on a big boat and being shipped off to Estonia (Tallinn to be exact), which should be really great. 300 Exchange students from all over Sweden, crammed onto a boat together, with huge amounts of alcohol, music and karaoke :D I'll post photos as soon as I can, cos there are bound to be some interesting ones!
Back to work!
Stay in school kids,
Chloe xx